Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paris Thursday June 2nd

hello, Paris has been so amazing that I thought I would blog without my parents. Yesterday we went to the Lourve and saw lots of interesting things such as the Mona Lisa. Then mum and I went to the top of the Arch De Triumph.

 Elissa at the Lourve.

 The front of the Lourve.

The Arch De Triumph.

The view from the top of the Arch De Triumph.

Today I got a free day to explore the area around the place where we are staying but before that mum and i decided to have a good look at the Moulin Rouge since we are staying just around the corner from it. then i went off myself and found that there were some unique braclet stores and fruit stores with summer fruit that is out of season at home. I walked around and bought some paris things to take home. Paris has been amazing, im lucky to have been able to go to such a beautiful place, shame we leave Saterday, but Germany will be amazing.Also the place we are staying is right next door to this HUGE grave yard, and i swear i have heard some creepy things during the night!

 Some of the graves near my window

Some Paris stuff to bring home.

Elissa xoxx

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the Mona Lisa?! I heard it's really about the size of a postage stamp ;)
